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The Blog

Adapting Chiropractic Billing for Remote Consultations

Adapting Chiropractic Billing for Remote Consultations

The pandemic brought strict social distancing norms. This made people revert to telehealth for their healthcare needs. Over time, telehealth emerged as a new standard. Telehealth saves time and costs for patients. Plus, remote consultations can resolve scheduling conflicts. It also helps in reducing commute costs. Previously, hands-on exercises delivered chiropractic services. But they have […]

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How to Minimize Revenue Leakage in Medical Billing?

How to Minimize Revenue Leakage in Medical Billing?

Revenue leakage in medical billing refers to a situation when healthcare providers don’t get the payment for the services or care provided to the patients. Typically, this happens when outstanding bills for healthcare services remain unpaid for too long and unintentionally go unnoticed. Unfortunately, an average healthcare facility succumbs 2 to 3% of its yearly revenue to […]

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What is Retro Autorization in Medical Billing

What is Retro Authorization in Medical Billing?

You must know that your healthcare service can become complex with many processes. Your patient should receive the care they need without suffering unexpected expenses. Retro authorization is the one on top of the list. It can significantly impact on care provision and cost management both.  Retro authorization is the process by which a health […]

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Easy Medicare and Medicaid Insurance Enrollment

Easy Medicare and Medicaid Insurance Enrollment | Your Health Roadmap

Unstop Peace of Mind & Enroll in Medicare and Medicaid Today for a Healthier Tomorrow! Steering the healthcare coverage landscape can be complex. Particularly regarding two of the country’s most significant Medicare and Medicaid health insurance Enrollment programs. you must grasp what they offer and how they operate. Medicare insurance enrollment is typically available to people […]

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Why is in house billing a negative in the long run

Why is in-house Medical Billing a negative in the long run?

Managing a healthcare practice is getting more challenging with each passing day. Therefore, more and more medical practitioners prefer outsourcing medical billing services – as an easier financial solution. Is billing that difficult – the answer is yes; it is a rather complex process, especially if your practice is undertaking in-house medical billing. Revenue cycle management (RCM) is […]

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Why is MedICD focused on Medical Billing Services for Small Practices?

Why is MedICD focused on Medical Billing Services for Small Practices?

Most medical practices, especially those with only a handful of practitioners, believe that keeping or controlling all facets of RCM (Revenue Cycle Management) in-house will give them more flexibility or understanding of their finances. However, most practitioners or healthcare providers did not enter the profession to become accountants, coders, or billers. The reality of medical billing […]

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Physicians credentialing services

Thе Importancе of Physician Crеdеntialing Sеrvicеs in Hеalthcarе

Physician crеdеntialing is a critical procеss within thе hеalthcarе industry that еnsurеs thе qualifications and compеtеncy of hеalthcarе providеrs.  It is a thorough еvaluation procеss conductеd by hеalthcarе organizations,  insurancе companiеs,  and rеgulatory bodiеs to vеrify thе qualifications,  еducation,  training,  еxpеriеncе,  and licеnsurе of physicians.  Vеrification of Education and Training: During thе physician credentialing services […]

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Steps to Revenue cycle management optimization in Healthcare

Steps to Revenue cycle management optimization in Healthcare

Healthcare revenue cycle management optimization involves unifying healthcare’s clinical and business sides through the coupling of administrative data. The data includes the patient’s name, their insurance provider, and other personal information about the patient’s treatment, in addition to their healthcare history/data. One key component of revenue cycle optimization is hands-on and continuous communication with health insurance providers. Revenue Cycle […]

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